4 thoughts on “Dark Deeds is an RT Book Reviews Top Pick

  1. Robin

    This is an outstanding series and I loved the first two books. Unlike typical Sci Fi Romance, the books are beautifully written, and I’m now a big fan of Michelle Diener.

    I’ve read there will at least be a third book at some future date, but I’m really bummed that there won’t be more books in this series after that.

    Too bad. This is a very popular sub-genre and deserves to have better stories written by talented authors.

    1. Michelle Diener Post author

      Robin, I’m so glad you love these books, and I’m working on book 3 at the moment. But while it is the last book in this particular story arc, I’m certainly planning to write many more books in the SFR genre. I hope to have the start of a new series out by the end of this year πŸ™‚

  2. Cynthia

    Love both these books in this new and exciting series, Dark Horse and Dark Deeds. Hopefully, the author will be writing another book to follow these two. Michelle Diener’s Dark Horse and Dark Deeds are wonderfully written and so exciting that I as the reader could hardly put them down. I too wish there would be more in this series besides one more book. Oh, well.

    1. Michelle Diener

      Cynthia, thank you, I’m so glad you loved them! Hopefully, you’ll enjoy the new series I’ve got planned after the Class 5 series just as much πŸ™‚

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