Advance Reading Copies of The Emperor’s Conspiracy are here!

I am so thrilled to say that a box of advance reading copies for The Emperor’s Conspiracy arrived today. Rather than the usual plain blue jacket, these are full color and look similar to how the finished book cover will look. So. Beautiful. πŸ™‚

I will have a few ARC giveaways in the next couple of weeks, so please look out for them. I already have a number of people in line for copies, and I’ll get those out on Monday.

Cover reveal: The Emperor’s Conspiracy

I am so excited to share my latest cover, for the Regency-set historical novel The Emperor’s Conspiracy, which will be released on November 27th, 2012. The cover fairies (aka Lisa Litwack, head of the art department at Gallery Books) have once again been very, very generous. πŸ™‚

And a quick reminder to those living in or near Perth, Western Australia. I’ll be at Temptation Books in Subiaco on Saturday from 10.30am to 1pm, for an in-store signing, along with fellow West Australian author, Shona Husk. I’d love to see you there!