Congratulations, Luzhelena, you are the winner today!
It’s Day 21! Three weeks of giveaways, whew!
Today, I’m giving away the two ebooks from my fantasy duology, the DARK FOREST series. The first book in the series, The Golden Apple, is based on the the fairy tale The Princess on the Glass Hill, which in the original has a male hero, and the princess is the passive participant. I switched that around, and made the princess the protagonist, and I was even able to use a few clues from the original to do it. You can go here to read more about what I was thinking about when I wrote it.
For the sequel, The Silver Pear, I looked at fairytales that had silver pears in them, but none of them lined up with a continuation of The Golden Apple, so I ended up using my imagination, although there is a character in The Silver Pear that harkens back to a very dark character from a British television program I watched in my childhood, Rupert the Bear, the character of Raggety (not the later, sanitized version, but the dark and frankly terrifying one from the original.)
Which is your favorite fairytale with a female protagonist?